Library of the groups of order 19683

Version 0.0.1
Released 2022-07-31

This project is maintained by David Burrell

The GAP package GROUPS39


This package provides:

For further information see:


  1. Clone the repo or download a version via releases and unpack to the “pkg” subdirectory of your GAP installation (i.e. ~/gap/pkg)
  2. Setup the lib directory:
    1. Download descendants-lib-39.tar.gz from here
    2. Unpack archive into package folder via: tar -xvf descendants-lib-39.tar.gz -C ~/gap/pkg/GRPS39 (change to match your gap installation)
    3. The package directory should now resemble the following

├── doc
├── gap
├── lib
│   ├── Desc_2187
│   ├── Desc_243
│   ├── Desc_27
│   ├── Desc_3
│   ├── Desc_6561
│   ├── Desc_729
│   ├── Desc_81
│   ├── Desc_9
└── tst


For questions, comments and or issues contact David Burrell


The GRPS39 is free software distributed under the Artistic License 2.0.

For details see the files LICENSE and